Knee Pain and Injuries

The knee is the largest joint in the torso, and one of the very easily injured. It’s composed of four key factors: cartilage, bones, tendons, and ligaments. As a top orthopedic surgeon in Southern California, Dr. Zack works safe, efficient, minimally invasive techniques restore pain-free and to assist her La, CA, people resolve symptoms range of motion.

knee pain and injuries treated at select orthopedic in los angeles california

How to identify a knee injury?

Your knee can be a complex joint with many pieces, making it vulnerable to a variety of injuries. Several leg injuries could be properly treated with basic steps, such as rehabilitation and bracing exercises. Additional accidents may need surgery to improve.

What are some causes for knee pain?

Your knee consists of many significant buildings, any of which is often hurt. The most common knee injuries include fractures around strains and holes, dislocation, and the leg of soft tissues, like structures. Oftentimes, accidents involve more than one design in the knee.

What are the symptoms or signs of a knee injury?

Pain and swelling are the most common signs of knee injury. In addition, your knee may catch or lock up. Many knee injuries cause instability — the feeling that your knee is giving way.

knee pain and injuries treated at select orthopedic in los angeles california


The most typical bone broken across the knee is the patella. The ends of tibia and the femur where they match to form the knee joint can be broken. High energy injury, including falls from motor vehicle crashes and considerable heights causes many cracks round the leg.

What are some treatments for a knee injury?

When you are first injured, the RICE method — rest, ice, gentle compression and elevation – can help speed your recovery.

Many knee injuries can be treated with simple measures, such as:

Immobilization. Your doctor may recommend a brace to prevent your knee from moving. If you have fractured a bone, a cast or brace may hold the bones in place while they heal. To further protect your knee, you may be given crutches to keep you from putting weight on your leg.
Physical therapy. Specific exercises will restore function to your knee and strengthen the leg muscles that support it.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. Drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen reduce pain and swelling.

Surgical Treatment

Several fractures and injuries around the knee need surgery to fully restore function to your leg. In some instances – including many ACL tears — surgery can be achieved arthroscopically using miniature tools and small incisions. Several incidents involve open surgery using a larger incision providing you with your physician using a more direct-view and easier usage of the injured structures.